Building AUD Supportive Communities: Campbell River

We are thrilled to be partnering with the Campbell River Community Foundation to deliver a deep-dive community engagement program Building AUD Supportive Communities in Campbell River!

Through this year-long project, we’ll work collaboratively to:

  • Spread awareness that AUD is a treatable health condition.

  • Help people feel more comfortable and supported to talk about AUD and seek care.

  • Create a healthier local drinking culture.

First event:

Vital Conversations: Alcohol Use Disorder, June 14th 2024

A wide variety of community leaders and individuals with an interest in alcohol use disorder and new treatment options attended this interactive workshop in Campbell River.

In the morning, we heard from local care providers and health experts all about alcohol use disorder and new treatment options available in Campbell River. In the afternoon, we hosted a community conversation.

Next up: The Campbell River Community Foundation will be hosting an Action Committee, which will plan and host a range of activities and events in the community in order to spread awareness about AUD and treatment options, and to shift drinking culture.

Contact for more information!

Many thanks to the Campbell River Community Foundation for helping to roll out the program.

Learn more about our Community Engagement programs here!

For Community Foundation: Visit the Program Step-by-Step Guide here