AUD Medication Selection
Are you wondering how to make sure you're following best practices and the latest clinical guidelines when prescribing for alcohol use disorder?
Check out and start using our Alcohol Use Disorder Medication Selection Tool
This interactive online tool for prescribers:
Suggests medication choices based upon a short set of patient questions
Is informed by the 2023 national prescribing guidelines
Is quick to complete
This is a new tool, and we welcome your feedback for continuous improvement. We look forward to hearing from you.
Using the tool in your practice
Enhance patient treatment accessibility
Stay up-to-date on guidelines
Gain easy access to prescribing details
Optimize your time
Boost patient satisfaction
Increase your job satisfaction
AUD Medication Selection Tool Demonstration
More information
Visit our clinician pages for more medication selection information, care guidance for alcohol use disorder, education opportunities, events and much more.
Contact us for more information: admin@cauds.org
If you are a prescriber who is currently using the tool, and require assistance, please email: admin@cauds.org.
Browse for more education opportunities, events, prescribing guides and more.