We are honoured that leading organizations have recognized our founder, Dr. Jeff Harries’ work spreading knowledge, hope and compassion to those suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder. Read more below!
Provincial award created in honour of local physician, Dr. Jeff Harries
March 10 2021
Thanks to his outstanding work improving the way alcohol use disorder is perceived and treated in BC and beyond, Dr. Jeff Harries has inspired the creation of a new provincial health care award. On March 10th, he was honoured as the inaugural recipient of the Primary Care and Substance Use Trail Blazer Award.
For several years, Dr. Harries criss-crossed the province, talking to 1000s of people including care providers, clinicians, judges, counsellors, and addictions services workers advocating for alcohol use disorder to be understood as a treatable medical condition. Thanks to this tireless dedication, many more people are aware of medications that, taken temporarily and as a complement to counselling and other supports, can successfully help just about anyone reduce consumption by easing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
"It's such a tremendous honour to be able to recognize Dr. Jeff Harries for his many, many contributions," says Cheyenne Johnson, executive director of the BC Centre on Substance Use, which created the award. “His tireless leadership as a health advocate and his unwavering commitment to improving how we treat people with alcohol use disorder has inspired colleagues and impacted the lives of countless people. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts.”
Dr. Harries was instrumental in shaping BCCSU provincial guidelines for supporting patients with high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder, and with making improvements to screening, prevention, treatment, and care for people with alcohol use disorder.
“I admire so many people at the BCCSU,” says Dr. Harries. “They are doing so many good things that it’s a real honour to receive this award.”
As the founder of the Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Society, Dr. Harries’ work is continuing on a national scale, and his message is more important than ever. Alcohol use disorder is the most common substance use disorder in Canada, with consumption rising during COVID-19.
Read more about the presentation ceremony with the BCCSU
Other Awards:
2020: BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, 2020 Everyday Champion award presented to Dr. Jeff Harries
2019: Penticton Medical Staff Association Outstanding Teaching in Medicine Award