The Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen is the backbone organization for the Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Society, assisting with grant applications, fundraising, donations and strategic direction. The Foundation is also committed to leveraging the vast nationwide network of community foundations to help spread the word, at a grassroots level, about the work of CAUDS. We are grateful for their remarkable commitment to our work.
CFSOS is at the leading edge of community philanthropy among Canadian community foundations. It provides grants to every area of need in the communities it serves, whether that be physical and mental health, housing, poverty, food security, addictions, domestic violence, or employment issues. By partnering with the Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Society, CFSOS is pleased to be able to address the root cause of many of these social issues.
A warm and heart-felt thank you to the individuals and organizations who are supporting our work through donations, in-kind contributions or by collaborating with us to spread CAUDS work. This includes:
BC Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions