Alcohol Use Disorder
We are delighted to have been featured on several podcasts about alcohol use disorder and treatment options. Have a listen here!
BC Healthy Living Balance Podcast
Listen to our conversation about going dry with low- and non-alcoholic drinks. Discover some tips for drinking less or stopping drinking altogether.
Vital Conversations Podcast
Join our conversation with Aaron McRann of the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameent to talk about hope for those struggling with alcohol use disorder.
Deep Fryer Podcast
Join our conversation with Joe Fries about AUD and treatment options. Joe shares his personal story and gets goosebumps learning about treatment options and about our society’s work.
Thriving in Healthcare
On this podcast, Nurse Practitioner Patrice Gordon, a Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Clinical Advisory Committee member, is featured talking about her amazing career in humanitarian work, and about prescribing for Alcohol Use Disorder. Listen to the whole interview, or to an excerpt about Alcohol Use Disorder, starting at the 11 minute mark of the interview. Learn about AUD and be inspired!
BCCSU Addiction Practice Pod
Listen as Dr. Engelbrecht, Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder Clinical Advisory Committee member and Board Director co-hosts a show on Treatment and Care for Alcohol Use Disorder.
The Rehab Podcast
Listen as Dr. Engelbrecht talks about prescribing alternatives for people who don’t respond to Naltrexone Episode on the ReHab Podcast on the Mental Health News Radio Network.
Healthcare Management Forum Podcast
Our Canadian Alcohol Use Disorder team is featured in the companion podcast to our recently published study, which looked at the impact of clinical education presentations on prescribing practices.